Virgin Hair Forum Rules

We encourage discussion that is friendly, respectable and healthy and an environment where users can share their experience, strategies and have expressive conversations.
Do not take or give legal, medical, and financial advice from/to anyone on this forum.
Your topic name should be descriptive, with a summary of your question in the subject. Please do not add topic for click bait.
Being disrespectful will not be tolerated, and you will be blocked.
Please don’t make posts that are purely for promotional purposes. No Self-promotion No Spam, No Advertising in the forums we have a zero tolerance to any type of spam including, but not limited to sending private messages to different users, or requesting personal information, such as email addresses, telephone numbers or home addresses. Your post will be removed and you will be blocked from the forum.
Do not send private messages to any users asking for anything.
Your post and topics should be relevant to the forum and of high quality. Please stay on topic with relevant and constructive conversation.
Do not post any copyrighted material without permission from the owner including, but not limited to images, quotes or text.
Do not post the same question in multiple forums.
Your topic and post needs to be relevant to the forum. Please check to make sure a similar topic doesn’t exists before creating your own.
We take no responsibility for, the accuracy of content posted on this forum, If you see inaccuracies please let us know.
Virgin Hair Directory takes no responsibility for what our users post. We do our best to remove anything that is against our guideline.
We reserve the right to delete your post if your content, contain any of the following;

• False or fake information
• Misleading or inaccurate information
• Out dated information
• Profanity, sexual explicit or pornographic material.
• Bullying, violence, harassment or malicious and false information that may causes harm.
• Unethical, immoral, or illegal activities or behaviour.
• Defamatory, demeaning or discriminatory information against someone’s age, political beliefs, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or disability.
• Disrespectful or derogatory content about another business or their staff.
• Infringement of, the intellectual property rights (including, but not limited to, copyright, trademarks and database rights) of any other party.
• Copied word for word content from another website even if it is your own website.
• Promotes or glamorises illegal drugs, counterfeit goods, contraband, or illegal weapons.
• Displays information that infringes on a business or a person’s personal data.
• Soliciting


Last Updated: 14 February, 2020